Member of Twoje Korzenie w Polsce 

Active student, author of scientific articles, organizer of initiatives and implementer of projects, participant of scientific conferences. 

Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degree in “Archival science, records management and infobrokerism” at the University of the National Education Commission.
Bachelor's thesis entitled. “Circulation of information on the example of the Galician rabble”.

Master's student 
Master's degree in “Archival science, clerical science and digitization” at the University of the National Education Commission.
Master's degree in “Editing” at the Jagiellonian University.

Member of the Association Twoje Korzenie w Polsce
Member of the Association of Polish Archivists
Member of the Scientific Circle of the UKEN Institute of History and Archival Studies
Editor-in-Chief of the UKEN Institute of History and Archival Studies' Student Magazine “Wehikuł Czasu”

Academic interests:
Polish history, mainly of 19th century Galicia, source science, editing, archival science, issues of commemoration, historical journalism, infobrokering, connections between history and information science.

Genealogical interests:
Popularization of genealogy, the place of genealogy in the modern world, oral history, the question of memory in the context of discovering the fate of ancestors, commemoration, information and its diversity depending on the source.

Ostatnie Publikacje

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna - nagranie

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna - nagranie

W dniach 25-26 maja odbyła się II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna. Chcesz wiedzieć co się działo? Jaka była atmosfera? Obejrzyj film!
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II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna

W maju odbędzie się II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna. Czego można się spodziewać? Zarejestruj się już dziś i weź udział!
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