28-29 November 2019

I Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna 2019

On November 28-29, 2019, the I Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna was held at the Pedagogical University building!


In order to discuss, gather and confront the existing scientific and practical findings of the genealogist's workshop and methods of work, Koło Naukowe Doktorantów Historii UP, together with the Stowarzyszenie Twoje Korzenie w Polsce, decided to organize the first scientific conference in Cracow combined with genealogical workshops. Cooperation has also been established with the Centrum Dokumentacji Zsyłek, Wypędzeń i Przesiedleń Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, which is an institution whose goal is to collect, preserve and make available materials related to forced migrations, especially of Sybiraks, including sources for genealogy. Similarly, the London-based Study of Underground Poland, whose archival work focuses on historical material of members of the Underground Poland and their emigration activities.


Thus, seven panel discussions were organized, which were preceded by lectures on the clash between the historical view of genealogy as a science and the modern, commercial vision of it. The panels were divided thematically so that the listeners simply assimilated the knowledge of genealogy, and practitioners from Poland and abroad were free to share their experience. They discussed sources for genealogical research collected in Poland and abroad, the activities of institutions supporting the popularization of genealogy and creating electronic databases, the peculiarities and legal conditions of genealogical search in Poland and abroad, contemporary genealogy research - DNA, the problem of migration and emigration in the search for one's ancestors, as well as the issue of multiculturalism in the subject of genealogy research in the broadest sense.


The conference was enriched by a genealogy workshop conducted by members of the Your Roots Association, devoted to such topics as metric and non-metric sources for genealogy research, online databases and genealogy software.



Text inspired by a statement by Dr. Przemyslaw Jedrzejewski in the MyHeritage blog.