Karolina Szlęzak


Master’s Degree

Graduated in history, specialization in archival science and editing of sources - Pedagogical University in Cracow.

Academic interests: History of cities of the modern period, art history, Polish emigration.

Genealogical interests: She began her adventure with genealogy during her studies, which she completed with her master's thesis in its field.

Genealogy is her profession, for the seventh year she is running and developing the company Your Roots in Poland. On a daily basis she promotes the ideas of genealogy. She speaks about the importance of preserving family history at workshops and lectures. She is a member of the Polish Genealogical Society and has been a speaker at many scientific and genealogical conferences. In addition, she is interested in the folklore of the land of Cracow and in working with witnesses of history, which is connected with her activity in creating community archives.

Ostatnie Publikacje

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna - nagranie

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna - nagranie

W dniach 25-26 maja odbyła się II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna. Chcesz wiedzieć co się działo? Jaka była atmosfera? Obejrzyj film!
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II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna

II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna

W maju odbędzie się II Krakowska Konferencja Genealogiczna. Czego można się spodziewać? Zarejestruj się już dziś i weź udział!
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